US World War II Plane Nose Art

Hells_Angels,_Flying_Tigers_1942When looking at illustration examples and thinking about how I wanted to create my logos for the SpaceX crafts, I also kept in mind that these logos would be printed onto the side of the crafts, on a very large scale. This brought to mind the idea of US World War II planes, and the nose art that was often painted onto them. Although these planes were used for war, rather than space travel; the idea and the thought is very similar. These paintings were made to raise spirits, and to mark individuality. It was a mark of personalisation, for pilots to make the plane their own, and make something recognisable that others would know them by, which is essentially the point of a brand logo.

I think this is very relevant to my own work, especially if my own design is going to be predominantly illustrational. As my logo will be added onto the side of the Falcon 9 and Dragon crafts, I think this idea of nose art is something to keep in mind. I really like this style that evolved from nose art and although most of the paintings are of semi-nude women, I think it could still translate successfully to my own designs and ideas that I am working with.

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