Final Logo

This is my final logo design. I really like the white text in a black background and I like the way the circle frames the text. I think this is a very strong design and I think it creates a good image for my brand. I feel it encompasses the way I work and the things that I do. I am happy with my design and although I will most likely edit it and redesign it over time, I think it is very strong and I think I’ve made a successful brand design. I have also experimented with my film photography, integrating my logo with it by overlaying it. I really like the way these have come out. I think the film images work very well with the logo and I think the hand drawn look lends to this. I think these pieces are strong and I’m glad they work so successfully with the logo. I think this now represents more of what I do as a designer, and therefore expands my branding and my capabilities that are conveyed through it.

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